Monday, March 16, 2020

Rise of China Essays

Rise of China Essays Rise of China Essay Rise of China Essay And it gives the states whom have it the ability to control it. International politics is the struggle for power. 1 . Power and Influence: secretary of state advises the US President, but has no power over the president. 2. Power and Force 3. Usable and unusable power: nuclear weapons 4. Legitimate and illegitimate power: legitimate = power whose exercise is morally or legally Justified States Desire for Power John Marshier Anarchical system Capable of harming other (almost all have offensive military capability) Intention of other states are unclear For their survival States are rational actors (rationality?maximizing prospects for survival) Defensive Realism Too much power results in balancing States build up power and form allies First states maximizing its power = less secure Favor of defense Pursuit of more power trough offensive actions results in losing wars PURSUE AN Offensive Realism Balancing = ineffective Defenders dont always have the advantage State that starts the war, wins Conquest does pay in some cases Always longing for opportunities to gain advantage over each other Maximizing power is the best way to guarantee survival The nose of China

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